MIST Applications

Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)

Dept of CSE, MIST develops Plasma bank application to enhance the capability of CMH in treating COVID-19 Patients

Dept of CSE, MIST develops Plasma bank application to enhance the capability of CMH in treating COVID-19 Patients

A team of Computer Science and Engineering students and faculties from Military Institute of Science and Technology under the direct supervision of Commandant, MIST in collaboration with CMH (Combined Military Hospital) and AFIP (Armed Forces Institute of Pathology) voluntarily prepared a plasma bank app to make and manage a platform for plasma donors and accumulated plasma in CMH and AFIP. The unique app works as a database for storing details about donors and stored plasma information. This app will help the patients in CMH to get required plasma fast. It will also help the doctors to check the availability of plasma in the plasma bank. Certainly, the endeavor of CMH and MIST for making the Plasma bank app will enhance the capability of CMH to give better treatment to COVID-19 Patients.

The mobile app is ready and the desktop version of the app is under development. Both the app and the desktop version will be delivered to CMH and AFIP soon to make the service available.

Under the guidance of the head of CSE department, Brig Gen Mohammad Sajjad Hossain and faculty member Lt Col Dr. Muhammad Nazrul Islam, the app is developed by Maj Noor Nafiz Islam, OSP, Nafiz Imtiaz Khan and Md Shadman Aadeeb all from CSE department respectively.

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3rd Floor, Tower-3, Military Institute of Science & Technology (MIST), Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh.
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