Meeting held with a2i Innovation Lab regarding collaboration research and development
On 15 October 2020, a team from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of MIST headed by the respective head of the CSE department Brigadier General Md. Sajjad Hossain along with Col. Shahjahan Mojib, Lt. Col. Dr. Muhammad Nazrul Islam have visited a2i Innovation Lab.
The a2i Innovation Lab (iLab) is working tirelessly to solve national problems through domestic innovation. MIST has already enriched their labs sufficiently for pursuing groundbreaking research and development. A formal discussion on collaborative research and innovation was held between the high officials of iLab and MIST representatives. Mr. Sudipta Mukherjee, Resident Representative of UNDP Bangladesh, was also present at that discussion. All attendees expect that MIST and iLab would collaboratively pursue research and development (R&D) activities to further expand domestic innovation activities.