Winners of "CodeWar" Part 1 arranged by MCC, Dept of CSE
To develop the skill of competitive programming and critical thinking of the students of Level-1 MIST Computer Club (MCC) has arranged an Intra MIST Programming Contest named “CodeWar-2020”. The event consists of 2 batches:
- Pioneer Class: The students who are trying to develop their skill in Structured Programming Language compete from this batch
- Ingenious Class: The students who are trying to develop their skill in Data Structures and Algorithms compete from this batch
There are a total 8 contests (1 per week) for each of the batch to measure the problem solving skill and continuous improvement of the contestants. There are total 3 categories for the prizes:
- Best Problem Solver: The contestants who solve the maximum number of problems with the lowest penalty during two consecutive contests are declared as winners of this category from each of the batches. Each two consecutive weeks are named as a segment. Winners of this category are titled as “CONQUEROR”.
- Best Progress Maker: The contestants who develop his/her problem solving skill mostly during the 4 consecutive contests are declared as winners of this category from each of the batches by the decision of the judge’s panel. Each four consecutive weeks are named as a segment. Winners of this category are titled as “DILIGENT”.
- Best CodeForces Solver: The contestants who solve the maximum number of problems at the online judge named “Codeforces” during four consecutive contests are declared as the winners of this category from each of the batches. Each four consecutive weeks are named as a segment. Winners of this category are titled as “PEDANT”.
Here the result of the 4 consecutive contests of the first half is published.
Muhammad Samee Sevas
Ingenious Class
Winning Details:
-Best Problem Solver (1st), Segment-2
-Best Problem Solver (2nd), Segment-1
-Best Codeforces Solver, Segment-1
Farhan Nasif Nizami
Pioneer Class
Winning Details:
-Best Problem Solver (2nd), Segment-1
-Best Problem Solver (2nd), Segment-2
-Best Codeforces Solver, Segment-1
M Rayhan Ferdous Faisal
Ingenious Class
Winning Details:
-Best Problem Solver (1st), Segment-1
-Best Problem Solver (2nd), Segment-2
Ratul Debnath
Pioneer Class
Winning Details:
-Best Problem Solver (1st), Segment-1
-Best Problem Solver (1st), Segment-2
Adib Hossain
Ingenious Class
Winning Details:
-Best Progress Maker, Segment-1
Shejuti Binte Feroz
Pioneer Class
Winning Details:
-Best Progress Maker, Segment-1