Department of CSE Successfully Conducted the Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC) Admission Test 2021
For the first time in its history, the Department of CSE, MIST has successfully conducted the AFMC Admission Test 2021. CSE Department provided the software solution and service to coduct this exam. The software module generates randomized MCQ questions for all the students, registered for the admission test. Thus each of the students, participating in the exam, appears on the test with a unique set of questions. Eventually, the solution evaluates each unique answer script and provides the students' ranking based on their merit. Nonetheless, the developed exam module by the CSE department can later be used for conducting any MCQ-based exams.
Under the guidance of the respected Head of the Department, Brig Gen Razzak, a group of faculties worked on the project and made it possible. The members of the team are as follows:
- Col Shahjahan Majib (Officer in Charge)
- Sqn Ldr Zohir (Assistant Officer in Charge)
- Assistant Professor Atif Islam (Developer of the Script Evaluation Module)
- Lecturer Nafiz Imtiaz Khan (Developer of the Question Generation Module)
- Lecturer Muhaimin Bin Munir (Tabulator of the exam)